Wansa Shamoon

Public Relations officer Iraq NGO

Region(s): Middle East
Country of focus: Iraq
Based in Iraq


Current Occupation: Public Relations officer Iraq NGO
Organization/Institution: Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights / Coalition for Just Reparations
Language: English, Arabic , Kurdish and Aramaic (Assyrian)

Wansa Shamoon  is public relations officer for the Coalition for Just Reparations (@c4jrOrg), an alliance of Iraqi NGOs calling for comprehensive reparations for survivors of atrocities perpetrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Iraq.

A human rights activist, she advocates for the rights of the Christian community in  Iraq – Chaldeans, Syriacs, and Assyrians – and for women and child survivors of gender-based violence and conflict.

The C4JR had a prominent role in laying the foundations for the Yazidi Survivors Law, passed in March 2021, that is aimed at providing long-awaited relief for survivors . The C4JR seeks fulfillment of the law and  provides a safe space to address the grievances of survivors belonging to all affected groups -Yazidi, Turkmen, Shabak, Kakai, Christians, Shia, Sunnis, and others. The C4JR members are listed here.

The alliance was established in 2019 by the Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights (@JiyanFoundation) which supports mental health, physical rehabilitation, and social reintegration of survivors  in Kurdistan, Iraq and Syria.

Wansa started her professional journey in 2014, as she and her family were affected by ISIL violence. They were forced to flee from their area of origin in the Nineveh Plains region of Iraq and lived as internally displaced people in Iraqi Kurdistan.

She has participated in and led training for civil society organizations on transitional restorative justice.