Marwa Mohamed

Advocacy and Outreach Lawyers for Justice in Libya

Country of focus: Libya
Based in UK


Current Occupation: Advocacy and Outreach Lawyers for Justice in Libya
Organization/Institution: Lawyers for Justice in Libya
Language: English, Arabic

Marwa Mohamed (@Marwa_LFJL) is head of advocacy and outreach at Lawyers for Justice in Libya.  She is an expert in refugee protection and migration. @LibyanJustice is an independent NGO committed to achieving justice, rule of law and respect for human rights, working through a network of lawyers, activists and grassroots communities across and outside Libya.

Marwa monitors the human rights situation in Libya, identifies advocacy strategies and represents LFJL in government briefings, missions to UN Headquarters, African Commission for Human and Peoples’ Rights and International Criminal Court Assembly of States Parties. She co-hosts the podcast Libya Matters.

Previously Marwa was the Libya Researcher with Amnesty International, documenting human rights violations. She worked with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees across North Africa including the Western Sahara and the emergency response during the Syria crisis.

Marwa holds a master’s degree in International Human Rights Law from the American University in Cairo.